Monday 2 November 2009

Research into 4 openings of films, 3 of my chosen genre: Romantic Comedies and 1 of another genre: Thriller. Here are my Textual Analys of my chosen films.

50 first Dates:
This film starts with Hawian music with the setting of a beach and a sunset, this automaticly made me think of romantic, because it's a typical place that people would think of as 'Romantic'. As the musics playing the credits are in blue with a water effect, this sybolises the job that Henry has as a Vet for Sea animals. It then fades into the kitchen and introduces the film with a pineapple next to it, i think this shows the Hawian side to the film. It then shows a series of women talking about a holiday to Hawii were they all met Henry and shared a wonderful experience with him, theres invisible transions between the different women and as there talking one women starts the sentance then it changes to the other women ending the sentence, this shows that they are all talking about the same man but in different ways it also shows the amount of women he spent the one holiday with, which brings him off as a player and a cheat.

Ghost of girlfriends Past:

The Ugly Truth:
The film starts with a extreme long shot of the city, this shows the audience where the film is going to be set. As the credits begin 'I Kissed A Girl' by Katy Perry starts playing.There is then a long shot of a news helicopter this give me the basic idea that this is important in the film. It also shows the type of job the main character has. The credits then begin and in between the first and second name there is a symbol to represent a girl. There is an over head long shot which shows the posh area witch the main character lives in. There is then a long shot showing the main character rushing out of her home in a business suit. This shows she is very high class. There is then a medium close up of the main character in her car outside of her work place. As she enters her work place there is a long shot to show the type of environment that she works in, also all the other employees put their attention towards her by bring her coffee and talking to her about their personal problems. There is a close up of her facial expressions showing that she really dose car about her employees This shows that she is a very popular character compared to everyone else.

Shut: The Film starts with a black background, a creep piano tunes begins as the credits appear on the screen , the credits are a block font in white, that fades in and out. the screen goes back to black and you hear a man shout 'Fuck you' with panic on his voice in a scottish accent with gun shoots in the background aswell. this makes the viewer seem  more confused and wonders whats going on. Suddenly there is a blurred long shot of a man running franticly through what seems to be a underground tunnel. the camera moves around alot which makes you seem like your running with him, this makes you feel frantic also. the man dressed in a smart suit, with what seems to be a gun and briefcase in his hands, reaches a door, runs through it and there is a close up of the man slamming the door in the camera's face. the screen then goes black again with noises which seem to be the man in pain. the title of the film then appears in the same font as the credits. a extreme close up of another mans eye opening appears, then on top of this it shows the mans surroundings like your looking through his eyes. and then shows the man getting up, this gives an impression like he didn't know where he was and he has been knocked out or unconscious . the camera then focuses on another man medium close up in the same room leaning up against a wall, holding his bleeding belly hurt with an extreme close up of it like he has been shot. the man goes over to him in panic shouting i never shot you. this scene seems very confusing to the viewers and  characters.

This film begins by