Friday 18 December 2009

Mine And Pooja's Questionaire

We had to write a questionaire to find out information on our chosen drama, we asked 25 people between the ages of 15 and 25. while we was doing the questionaire we noticed that there wasn't alot of 22-25 years olds to ask, so we thought we'd change the age to 15-21 instead. This will help us so that we know what to put into our film :)

Media Questionnaire

What gender are you? Please circle one


Are you between the ages of:

15-17 18-21 22-25 please circle one

What is your favourite romantic Comedy?

How often do you watch Romantic Comedies?

What type of characters would you like to see in a Romantic Comedy?

What type of setting would you expect to see in a Romantic Comedy?

What type of Music would you hear in the opening of a Romantic Comedy?

If there’s something you don’t like about Romantic Comedies please write them Here:

Is there anything else you would expect to see in a Romantic Comedy? If So, What is it?


Thank you for using your time to take this questionnaire, is it 100% confidential and will only be used for information on our project!

Thank You!

Alisha & Pooja =]

By doing this questionaire we found out that most people loved pretty women and 50 First dates, we used this in out film because of the complete opposites that you get in Pretty women.
we also found out that most people would prefer to see young people in Rom Com's because they can relate to them in real life.
There were alot of different settings that people wrote down, some were in a Bar, some in resturants but the most popular was school/college/University so that is were our films going to be set.
Music wise there were alot of different types also, Romantic came up alot of times but it wasnt specific enough, some peole wrote RnB and classical so we thought we'd mix the two to show the differences between the characters in our opening piece.
Alot of people said that they dont like the fact that Romantic Comedies always end the same, they said it's to predictable, so with our film we chose to end it abit different, this might be going against the conventions but we have a certain way to pull it off.