Friday 5 March 2010

Audience Response

Me and Pooja were very pleased with our audience response! we gained alot of positive feedback which was really good! most of our audience said the sucsess of our production was either excellent or good, only about 2 people said it was average. 2/3 of our audience said our film showed high imagination and creative flair which i was abit surprised at, we were also given positive feedback about our technical aspects of our film apart from the use of dialog and fonts which we didnt really agree with because thier are some Rom-coms which dont use dialog at the begining. we also got feedback about our film following the codes and conventions of a rom com which were, the romantic slow music we used, real life situations like the daily routine and showing the boy at the end, also having younger characters for the audience to relate with.
Film Evaluation

we had to evaluate our film today answering 7 questions about how our filming went and what we learnt along the way, it went well as we was able to answer all the questions given!
we used the conventions by introducing the main character at the begining, we showed her waking up and getting dressed for a normal school/college/uni day which can relate back to our audience as it as aimed at 15-21 years olds so most people between this age is going through the same thing most mornings. This could also attract the audience more as we use real situations.
Through this projected I learnt how to use a digital camera more, i learnt that when you are filming it's best to film everything before you watch it back because, when we was filming we kept watching it back so it left a blank gap between different scenes, so we had to edit more to cut the blank gaps out. I also learnt that you can have a fade in fade out after each time you press pause on the recorder, so we also had to cut the fades out.
I also learnt that while your working as a group you all have to be really focused because it can sometimes cause you to pay no attention to your work and focus on somthing completly different, especially when your working with friends. Even though its less work for yourself there can be downfalls.
I learnt about the 180 degree line, while your filming you have to stay on one side of the charaters so that it doesnt look like their talking to themselves.
I think we could of improved on our use of time, we kept leaving things to the last minute which made us fall behind.

while it was time for us to start editing we were still filming which put us behind alot! so we had to use our own time to catch up!

we finally started editing! which is a big relief as we new our time was running out, we've got most of our film log onto our computer but we still have the last scene to log.

we've finally completed all our filming! :)
everythings logged and captured on the computer and almosted completely finished!
we've added in our trasitions and set out the order of the film, all we have to do now is add in our music and our credits and were done :)

we have finished our film!!! we got to add in the music and credits on the day the whole film had to be done! which was great!
More filming :)

we used our break to film the last scenes of our opening, which went quicker than we thought as it wasnt that much to film, we were also able to get quick snaps to add into it to show how other people see Jada and treat her which fits into the film really well :)

We had to cut out some parts of the opening with the other main character 'Maison' as we couldnt find anyone to play him and we was running out of time to film, so we changed our opening to seeing 'Jada' getting ready in the morning then coming into college and having a picture of Maison on her phone that she always looks at. we also had to cut out the crossing between them when they left the house to go to college and when they bumped into each other at college because of the same reasons.

Monday 25 January 2010


My group is behind the rest of the class because we havent started filming yet . We took a camera and tripod home to start filming and had everything set up and the actors waiting, but when we went to put the camera on the tripod we noticed that the black thing that the camera needs to be attached to had been left out of the bag. My teacher said this is because the college no longer had someone that checks them when they come back. Scince then we havent had time to start recording our film, however we have found new actors and wil DEFINETLY be filming this wednesday so we can catch up with the class !

We were finally able to film our piece on the wednesday, which went well, we used my bedroom to shoot the scene, but because we started around half 3 we wern't able to film as much as we wanted as it got dark and our scene begins in the morning.
we didnt get to film much on the wednesday so i took the film equiptment home on the weekend to film the rest. which went well as i was able to film another scene.
Storyboard For Continuity Piece