Monday 25 January 2010


My group is behind the rest of the class because we havent started filming yet . We took a camera and tripod home to start filming and had everything set up and the actors waiting, but when we went to put the camera on the tripod we noticed that the black thing that the camera needs to be attached to had been left out of the bag. My teacher said this is because the college no longer had someone that checks them when they come back. Scince then we havent had time to start recording our film, however we have found new actors and wil DEFINETLY be filming this wednesday so we can catch up with the class !

We were finally able to film our piece on the wednesday, which went well, we used my bedroom to shoot the scene, but because we started around half 3 we wern't able to film as much as we wanted as it got dark and our scene begins in the morning.
we didnt get to film much on the wednesday so i took the film equiptment home on the weekend to film the rest. which went well as i was able to film another scene.

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